How to uninstall the CA NSM product across an enterprise deployment using an automated method in NSM 11.2?
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How to uninstall the CA NSM product across an enterprise deployment using an automated method in NSM 11.2?


Article ID: 52919


Updated On:


CA Unicenter NSM



The uninstall command requires that the installation Response file path be specified. However, this path has been modified in r11.2 so the previous method. The solution explains how to uninstall the product across an enterprise deployment using the command line.


The directory structure has been modified in r11.2 in order to retain a trace of successive installations and uninstallations that may be performed on a server.
In r11.1 the response file was located at:


But in r11.2 the response file is located at:


For example, the final part of the path of RSP file is now:

   "Unicenter NSM-2010_01_21-12_16_21-SUCCESS"
Which represents:  - Unicenter NSM (Product)
                   - 2010_01_21     (Date)
                   - 12_16_21        (Time)
                   - SUCCESS        (state)

The problem with the earlier approach (having all files under the folder installhistory) is that if you perform a reinstallation or upgrade on an existing server, the contents of that server's installation history would get overwritten with a new set of files.

To uninstall a set of components in an enterprise deployment

  1. If you installed these components using an automated response file method (.rsp file) you will have a similar set of components deployed on many computers.

  2. Select a single response file (CASETUPUNATT.rsp) from any one of those computers.

  3. Use the one response file on all the servers as input for the uninstallation command: tngrmvex.

    In that way, the path of the file CASETUPUNATT.rsp on other machines is not relevant.

  4. From a command prompt, enter the syntax of the uninstallation command:
        "C:\Program Files\CA\CA_APPSW\TNGRMVEX.EXE" - p "Unicenter NSM" 
        -u "C:\<general_CASETUPUNATT.rsp_file>" /l C:\uninstallation_log.txt
  5. Verify that the uninstallation process using the response file was successful by checking the generated log file for errors "uninstallation_log.txt."


Component: CCSINS