Using XCTL from CTS (CICS) to COBOL/XE.
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Using XCTL from CTS (CICS) to COBOL/XE.


Article ID: 52870


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When using XCTL to transfer data from a CTS command level program to a COBOL/XE program, users may experience a 'hang' in which the keyboard may become locked or the screen may go blank.



Component: COBOLX


The problem arises because the command level program is doing a receive and then transferring control to COBOL/XE. One of the first things that COBOL/XE does is issue a RECEIVE to retrieve the information from the screen. If you issue two RECEIVEs without doing a SEND, you will either have to press reset or press enter twice.

The RECEIVE cannot be removed due to the design of the product. If we remove the RECEIVE from COBOL/XE, then all COBOL/XE applications will not receive the data from CTS screens. When a customer does an XCTL, COBOL/XE is expecting information from a screen. If the XCTL is going to be used to transfer control to a COBOL/XE program, you must add 2 parameters to the XCTL. They are INPUTMSG and INPUTMSGLEN. This will allow the second receive to take place without having to press enter twice or press reset.