CA Directory - Why is ldapsearch returning garbled attribute values with a double colan (::) before the value?
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CA Directory - Why is ldapsearch returning garbled attribute values with a double colan (::) before the value?


Article ID: 52860


Updated On:


CA Directory CA Security Command Center CA Data Protection (DataMinder) CA User Activity Reporting



I have several cases where ldapsearch is returning "garbled" attribute values:
In this case, the mail and userPassword physical attribute values are incorrect. For example:

version: 1

dn: uid=wang,ou=Users,dc=neteauto,dc=com 
objectClass: top 
objectClass: person 
objectClass: organizationalPerson 
objectClass: inetOrgPerson 
objectClass: IDMPerson 
mail:: <EncryptedString>      
userPassword:: <EncryptedString> 

Notice the double colan (::) before the values. When this problem occurs there
is always a double colon by the attribute. When I view these from JXplorer the values are correct, but when I dump the
values using an ldapsearch or from JXplorer using an LDIF dump the values are incorrect. This problem also frequently occurs in users with accent characters.


Component: ETRDIR


The data is not "garbled" just encoded. The values in your LDIF where a double colon "::" follows the attribute name mean that the value is a Base64 encoded value.

The LDIF spec rfc2849 describes the use of Base64 encoded values:

There are online Base64 Encoders/Decoders such as below that can be used to decode your attribute values:

After running these values through the decoder, you may find the values show that they all have a trailing whitespace and Per rfc2849, values or distinguished names that end with SPACE SHOULD be base-64 encoded. If your values have accent characters then they will also be Base64 encoded.