Use of the //*JOBFROM does not update logonid ACC-SRCE field
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Use of the //*JOBFROM does not update logonid ACC-SRCE field


Article ID: 52856


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit


We have several Logonids that are submitted by our automated scheduling software using the //*JOBFROM statement. Why is the logonid ACC-SRCE field not being updated?

The //*JOBFROM statement lets a job run under a logonid different than that of the submitter, without the submitter providing a password.



Release: 16.0
Component: ACF2MS


The logonid ACC-SRCE field is not updated for logonids for jobs that use the //*JOBFROM statement,.


Use of the JOBFROM statement bypasses PASSWORD, RESTRICT, PROGRAM, SUBAUTH and SOURCE logonid checks (restrictions). Use of the JOBFROM will only update the last access fields ACC-CNT, ACC-DATE, and ACC-TIME of the logonid once a day (the first use). The last access ACC-SRCE field will not be updated.

Details on the use of //*JOBFROM statement can be found in ACF2™ FOR Z/OS 16.0 : JES Security : JCL Extensions : //*JOBFROM


Additional Information

MAR 2023 - reformatted, title shortened