Easytrieve for Windows v11.1 SSID parameter.
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Easytrieve for Windows v11.1 SSID parameter.


Article ID: 52817


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With the SSID parameter on the PARM statement, you may specify the name of the database to which this session will connect. Additionally, you can use the USERID parameter on the PARM statement to specify the user identifier under which this session will run. The password subparameter is ignored.

On Windows environment, this SSID parameter refers to the ODBC programming interface which is specified in the ODBC Data Source Administrator in the Windows Administrative Tools. On the System DSN tab, you must have defined the ODBC data source with the same name used in the Easytrieve program on the SSID PARM statement. This ODBC data source definition must be joined with the needed ODBC interface routine and with the needed database. You should create different ODBC data sources with the ODBC Data Source Administrator in the Windows Administrative Tools for the usage of different databases and use this particular ODBC data source name in your program as the SSID parameter. This is the way to access different databases with your Easytrieve program.


Component: EZTRVE