Graph point labels are overlapping each other. Is there a way to display them better so they won't overlap?
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Graph point labels are overlapping each other. Is there a way to display them better so they won't overlap?


Article ID: 52750


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Cleverpath Reporter


Overlapping point labels on a graph and how to clean this up.



Release: CVPFTB05900-7.11-Forest & Trees-Dashboard Option Component


There are several ways to make the point labels on a Forest & Trees graph look a little better. First, make sure you are using graphs and not charts. Graphs have more options for customization.

Here is an example of a problem graph:

<Please see attached file for image>

Figure 1

Notice that the point labels are hard to read from overlapping.

The easiest solution if possible it to make the view larger so that there is more space to display the point labels. That is not always possible so we can also format the point labels in various ways. To do this, right click on the toolbar of the graph and select Modify -> Graph. This will display a screen similar to the one above. Next, select Settings -> Annotations -> Text which will give the screen below:

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Figure 2

Select the Point Labels choice on the left side of this screen. This will display the following:

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Figure 3

This is where we have some options. Since this is a pie chart, I am going to unselect "Value" and select "Percent" to show my percentages. I also want to make the points more readable so I am going to change the location to "Outside" and change my line style to "Straight Line" so that I have a line joining the point label to the pie slice that it corresponds to.

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Figure 4

We can also change the size of the Font by clicking on the Font tab:

<Please see attached file for image>

Figure 5

So now click Ok, and you can see that the points are much easier to read and are not overlapping.

<Please see attached file for image>

Figure 6


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