What to check if SNMP traps are not arriving in the Event Console?
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What to check if SNMP traps are not arriving in the Event Console?


Article ID: 52747


Updated On: 09-27-2023


CA Unicenter NSM



This technical document describes several points to verify when %CATD_I_066 and %CATD_I_060 are not visible within the Event Console.


To narrow down the root cause of traps not being received in the Event Console

  1. Verify that "snmp service" and "snmp trap service" have started.

  2. Verify that the process catrapd.exe is running.

    This process is responsible for capturing and displaying SNMP traps in the console.

  3. Review the file catrapd.conf.

    This file contains information about traps to be ignored or to be allowed; therefore, its contents impact the reception of traps in the console.

  4. Review the properties of the "snmp service."

    The properties need to have a community defined ("public")

  5. Download the snmputil.exe utility from the Internet.

  6. Open a command prompt and type snmputil trap.

  7. Open another command window and run the following command:

    catrap <your_server> "" "" 6 1 1 octetstring "Test"

    You should see the incoming trap in the first command prompt window:

    C:\>snmputil trap
    snmputil: listening for traps...
    Incoming Trap:
    generic = 6
    specific = 1
    enterprise = .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.791
    agent = <IP Address>
    source IP = <IP Address>
    community = public
    variable = .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.791.1.4
    value = String Test

    If no traps are received by snmputil, then catrapd will not display any traps.

  8. You can use a network sniffer to determine if traps are being received by your system.

  9. Verify which process is listening on port 162 with the following command:

    C:\>netstat -ano | findstr 162
    UDP *:* 5948 ==> this process ID (pid) should correspond to snmptrap.exe.

    If a process other than snmptrap.exe is listening on this port, you will see nothing when running the command: snmputil trap.


Release: TNGEXO05500-11.1-Management-for Microsoft Exchange


To narrow down the root cause of traps not being received in the Event Console

  1. Verify that "snmp service" and "snmp trap service" have started.

  2. Verify that the process catrapd.exe is running.

    This process is responsible for capturing and displaying SNMP traps in the console.

  3. Review the file catrapd.conf.

    This file contains information about traps to be ignored or to be allowed; therefore, its contents impact the reception of traps in the console.

  4. Review the properties of the "snmp service."

    The properties need to have a community defined ("public")

  5. Download the snmputil.exe utility from the Internet.

  6. Open a command prompt and type snmputil trap.

  7. Open another command window and run the following command:

    catrap <your_server> "" "" 6 1 1 octetstring "Test"

    You should see the incoming trap in the first command prompt window:

    C:\>snmputil trap
    snmputil: listening for traps...
    Incoming Trap:
    generic = 6
    specific = 1
    enterprise = .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.791
    agent = <IP Address>
    source IP = <IP Address>
    community = public
    variable = .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.791.1.4
    value = String Test

    If no traps are received by snmputil, then catrapd will not display any traps.

  8. You can use a network sniffer to determine if traps are being received by your system.

  9. Verify which process is listening on port 162 with the following command:

    C:\>netstat -ano | findstr 162
    UDP *:* 5948 ==> this process ID (pid) should correspond to snmptrap.exe.

    If a process other than snmptrap.exe is listening on this port, you will see nothing when running the command: snmputil trap.