This technical document describes several points to verify when %CATD_I_066 and %CATD_I_060 are not visible within the Event Console.
To narrow down the root cause of traps not being received in the Event Console
- Verify that "snmp service" and "snmp trap service" have started.
- Verify that the process catrapd.exe is running.
This process is responsible for capturing and displaying SNMP traps in the console.
- Review the file catrapd.conf.
This file contains information about traps to be ignored or to be allowed; therefore, its contents impact the reception of traps in the console.
- Review the properties of the "snmp service."
The properties need to have a community defined ("public")
- Download the snmputil.exe utility from the Internet.
- Open a command prompt and type snmputil trap.
- Open another command window and run the following command:
catrap <your_server> "" "" 6 1 1 octetstring "Test"
You should see the incoming trap in the first command prompt window:
C:\>snmputil trap
snmputil: listening for traps...
Incoming Trap:
generic = 6
specific = 1
enterprise =
agent = <IP Address>
source IP = <IP Address>
community = public
variable =
value = String Test
If no traps are received by snmputil, then catrapd will not display any traps.
- You can use a network sniffer to determine if traps are being received by your system.
- Verify which process is listening on port 162 with the following command:
C:\>netstat -ano | findstr 162
UDP *:* 5948 ==> this process ID (pid) should correspond to snmptrap.exe.
If a process other than snmptrap.exe is listening on this port, you will see nothing when running the command: snmputil trap.