Client Automation - Change default SD download method from Internal - NOS to DTS-NOS-less on UNIX agents?
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Client Automation - Change default SD download method from Internal - NOS to DTS-NOS-less on UNIX agents?


Article ID: 52708


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


By default the Software Delivery download method on all agents is 'Internal - NOS' which means the agent connects to the SDLIBRARY$ share on the agent's Scalability Server, when a package is being installed on the agent.

Why 'DTS-NOS-less' instead of 'Internal-NOS-less'?

If a package has files that are greater than 2GB, 'Internal-NOS-less' method can fail in some cases. In 'Internal-NOS-less' method the agent tries to copy the large files as they are and fails when the files are big. in the 'DTS-NOS-Less' method large files in the package are split in to chunks and then copied on to the agent, as the chunks are being copied the package transfer will be successful.


  1. For 'Internal - NOS' delivery, the Library on the agent's Scalability Server should be shared as SDLIBRARY$ using the command: sd_sscmd addshare SDLIBRARY. DSM will automatically fail-over to NOS-Less download method if NOS fails.

  2. Before changing the download method to "DTS NOS-less" makes sure that the DTS is installed on the agents. For the UNIX agents DTS is part of the default agent software installation .DTS is NOT part of the default agent software installation for the windows agents and changing the software delivery method to DTS NOS-less without DTS could result in agents being unusable.


CA Client Automation - All Versions


If you do not want to use the shared library access method, the following procedure can be used to configure the default delivery method from 'Internal - NOS' to 'DTS-NOS-less' (where the package is compressed and sent to the agent).

Method 1

In the DSM Explorer drill down to Computers and Users->All Computers.

Right-click the desired computer and select Software Jobs->Download Method->DTS NOS-less.


This can also be applied on a multiple agents or a group of agents.

In the DSM Explorer drill down to Computers and Users->All Computers.

Right-click the desired group and select Software Jobs->Download Method->DTS NOS-less.

Note: When download method is changed on a group, change applies to all agents in the group CURRENTLY. If more machines are added to the group later, download method property has to be set on the group again.