With ACF2 in a SYSPLEX Coupling facility, discrepancies seen after re-org and SWITCH
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With ACF2 in a SYSPLEX Coupling facility, discrepancies seen after re-org and SWITCH


Article ID: 52699


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit


Discrepancies are seen in one of the databases after a reorganization of the databases. The ACF2 F ACF2,SWITCH(DDSN list name) are used to switch from the active databases to other databases specified by the DDSN list name parameter on the command to avoid having to stop CA-ACF2. 


Component: ACF2MS


The ACF2 CACHE or SYSPLEX, if active, is stopped upon execution of the SWITCH command. 



The CACHE is automatically restarted only if the CACHE option is set in the active GSO OPTS record.

The SYSPLEX must be manually restarted once the SWITCH command has been executed on all systems in the SYSPLEX.

Additional Information

Details on the ACF2 SWITCH command and the impact on the ACF2 CACHE and SYSPLEX can be found in the ACF2 Techdoc under  section "Switch Databases".