CA Scheduler Job Management setup requirements for Cross Platform Scheduling with Unicenter Universal Job Management Agent (UUJMA).
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CA Scheduler Job Management setup requirements for Cross Platform Scheduling with Unicenter Universal Job Management Agent (UUJMA).


Article ID: 52689


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Scheduler Job Management


CA Scheduler JM can schedule jobs to other platforms such as Windows and UNIX systems where UUJMA is installed. This knowledge document will describe the setup requirements.



Component: SCHDMS, UUJMA


UUJMA must be installed on a non-z/OS platform where you require CA Scheduler JM to submit jobs. With UUJMA, the job definitions and job submissions are done only from CA Scheduler JM on z/OS.

CAICCI connections must be defined. For Windows, the file CCIRMTD.RC is used and for UNIX, the file CCIRMTD.PRF is used. The CCIRMTD.RC/CCIRMTD.PRF file should contain one LOCAL statement pointing to the local machine, and REMOTE statement(s) pointing to the mainframe system(s) where CA Scheduler JM is active. The LOCAL and REMOTE statement will contain the following:

LOCAL = hostname cciname startup [ALIAS=alias_name]
REMOTE = hostname cciname 32768 startup [port=nnnn]

In the LOCAL statement, an alias name may be necessary if the local machine name is greater than 8 characters.

In the REMOTE statement, the hostname is the node name, and the cciname is the SYSID value from the CCITCPGW started task.

Requirements on the z/OS system where CA Scheduler JM resides:

CA Scheduler JM must be initialized with CAS9 CAIJGEN option XPLAT set to YES. For UNIX, review option XPSUTYPE if it is needed in your environment.

CAICCI is used for communication between CA Scheduler and UUJMA. CAENF is used to activate this communication. In the CCI parameter file, add statement "PROTOCOL(TCPIPGW)". (The CCI parameter file is defined on the ENFPARMS DD in the CAENF started task job.) This protocol statement automatically starts the CCITCPGW started task when CAENF is activated.

Recommended reading: CA Scheduler JM Interface Reference Guide, Chapter 2.1 Cross Platform Scheduling, CA Scheduler Systems Programmer Guide, Chapter 2 Initialization.