Mark a resource as unavailable with respect to allocations
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Mark a resource as unavailable with respect to allocations


Article ID: 52635


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


How can we mark a resource as unavailable in relation to allocations? For example, if I am going to be gone the month of May, there needs to be a way that May allocations do not show up when a manager looks at my allocations.


Release: All

Component: Resource Management


The Resource, Base Calendar is used for identifying working and non-working days. The Resource Calendar that impacts the allocations is found in the Resource profile. To update the Resource Base Calendar, the administrator can update the calendar or another end-user, such as the Resource or the Manager, needs the access rights to the specific resource to update it.

  1. Login to Clarity as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Admin Tool > Resources > Select the specific Resource and add the rights below:
    • Instance Right > Resource - Edit Calendar
      Allows user to edit their own calendar. This right is dependent on Resource - Navigate being granted.
      1. Click 'Add and Continue' button
      2. Select the specific Resource
      3. Click 'Add' button
    • Global Right > Resource - Navigate
      Allows user access to the Resource list, Resource Finder, and Requisitions pages. The user will only be able to view resource information for resources to which the user has access.
  3. Log off of Clarity
  4. Log in as a user with the ability to update the Resource Calendar
  5. Navigate to Main Application > Resources > Select your resource profile
  6. Navigate to the 'Calendar' tab
  7. Check Mark the specific dates as Non-Working Days
  8. Click 'Non-Working Days' button
  9. Click 'Save' Button to save the Calendar
  10. Execute 'Time Slicing' job. This will update existing allocations.

Now when the resource is added to a project team, the allocation will be automatically adjusted to reflect the non-working days. Ensure the 'Time Slicing' job is executed successfully at regular intervals for displaying updated allocations.

Note: When you set a day to a non-working day there are no shifts. Since the shifts aren't there anymore there's nothing to change back to if you make it a working day again. So it gets the default shifts.  

Additional Information

Resource Calendar Exceptions are used when displaying data using 'Hours' or '% Availability' Unit of Measurement.

When using 'FTE' or 'Days' Unit of Measurement, the Standard (base/site) Calendar is used to compute the 'FTE' or 'Days' amounts.