How to install/uninstall packages on offline systems using COF?
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How to install/uninstall packages on offline systems using COF?


Article ID: 52629


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CA Automation Suite for Data Centers - Configuration Automation CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Remote Control CA Client Automation - Asset Intelligence CA Client Automation - Desktop Migration Manager CA Client Automation - Patch Manager CA Server Automation


In Software Delivery it is possible to install and uninstall software packages for target systems that are offline of the Domain manager or Staging Server, and update the software inventory the next time the target system comes online.


Client Automation - All Version


  1. Export the Library Image:
    1. Select one ore more packages from the library.


  • Right click and select Export->Library Image from the shortcut menu.
    The "Export library image" window appears on the screen.


CodePage = 3

Path = 015D727C-7B88-4D89-B152-EE07E42A2B64.arc     
ItemName = Orca      
ItemVersion = 3.1.3790.0000      
ItemType = 0           

[Dummy01 (SXP):1.0/00]      
Path = AB515D4F-C9E9-414B-945B-2C89E9B3F0E3.arc     
ItemName = "Dummy01 (SXP)"     
ItemVersion = 1.0/00      
ItemType = 0     
  • Enter the path where to copy the library image and click OK
    Note: The packaged need to be exported to an empty directory or an existing directory with exported packages already there so they are added to the existing library.dct.
    In the exported library image you will find the library.dct file, which lists all exported packages relevant details like item's name, version, and type. Each exported software item has the same structure as it did in the Software Library.

    Here is an example of library.dct from an image containing an MSI package and an SXP package:
  • Move the exported Library Image to the target computer.


  • Create the .cof file on the target computer.
    1. Create and edit a text file which will include the following entries:
      - [Locale]
      (the value here should match the one from the library.dct)
      - [Container]
        NumberOfJobs= (you will create a job for each package)
        NumbersOfLibraries= (You can use 1 .cof for several library images)
      - [Library_x] (where x should be the progressive number)
        Type= (the value here should match the itemType in the library.dct)
        Path= (the path to the library image)
      - [Job_x] (where x should be the progressive number)
        SoftwareName= (this should match the ItemName in the library.dct)
        SoftwareVersion= (this should match the ItemVersion in library.dct)
        ProcedureName= (this should match an existing procedure of the package. Check the procedures in the DSM library for that package)

      Note: to uninstall the package, simply use the procedure "uninstall"



ProcedureName="Local Install"

SoftwareName="Dummy01 (SXP)"
ProcedureName="Install Package"
Rename the text file with the extention .cof

  • Here is an example of a .cof file based on the library.dct example above:
  • Secure the .cof file.
    Run the following command to secure the cof file:
    Note: the command "sd_acmd" is for r11.x, in SDO 4.0 use "sdacmd"
    sd_acmd securecontainer "<path to .cof>" -p<password>
    sd_acmd securecontainer "C:\LibImages\LibA.cof" -ptestpwd
  • Execute the .cof file on the target computer.
    Run the following command to execute the cof file:
    Note: the command "sd_acmd" is for r11.x, in SDO 4.0 use "sdacmd"
    sd_acmd executecontainer "<path to .cof>" -o:"<path for output file>" -p<password>
    sd_acmd executecontainer "C:\LibImages\LibA.cof" -o:"C:\temp" -ptestpwd