What does the CA APAS GLOBALS INIT-JOB parameter do?
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What does the CA APAS GLOBALS INIT-JOB parameter do?


Article ID: 52595


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APAS Insight Monitor for Adabas PLEU



This document explains how the CA APAS GLOBALS INIT-JOB parameter can be used to automatically submit a batch JCL job stream during the initialization of CA APAS when an Adabas MPM is started.


When an Adabas MPM is started up, the CA APAS GLOBALS statement is read in from the CA APAS DBGIN data set during the initialization of CA APAS. If the INIT-JOB GLOBALS parameter is specified, the batch JCL job stream named by the parameter is automatically submitted to the internal reader during the initialization of CA APAS. This batch JCL job stream can be used for performing any task or tasks that may be necessary during startup such as starting CA APAS requests from the CA APAS Insight Natural library.

Specify the JCL job name in the CA APAS GLOBALS INIT-JOB parameter:

GLOBALS            . . .        INIT-JOB= jclname         . . .        ; 

The JCL job stream must reside in the data set defined in the APASJCL DD statement in to the Adabas MPM:

//APASJCL  DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.mlq.llq 

In addition to the APASJCL DD statement, the APASRDR DD statement is also required to be defined in the Adabas MPM and it should point to the JES internal reader:


The SYSOUT class must be set according to your installation's job class conventions.


Component: APAS