In Sysview for Db2 Subsystem Exceptions see an exception being tripped for High number of columns with invalid select
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In Sysview for Db2 Subsystem Exceptions see an exception being tripped for High number of columns with invalid select


Article ID: 52506


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Under the Sysview for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) Subsystem Exceptions see a Critical exception with the message:
High number of columns with invalid Select procedures.

This is related to upgrading the Db2 environment and not performing Rebinds on product plans and packages.
To see what plans and packages need to be rebound, navigate to the External/IQL Exceptions screen, option 9.5 from IDB2 main menu.
Look for an IQL exception that has tripped and has the name RBNDRQRD.
This will provide the Plan/Package associated with the Invalid Select exception, which needs to be rebound.


Option 9.2 from IDB2 main menu, Subsystem Exceptions, displays following Critical exception:


CRIT 01:15:33-CURRENT High number of columns with invalid select
procedures that were bypassed: 59264


This may be caused by upgrading a Db2 subsystem to a new version of Db2 and not rebinding plans and packages.
When a bind occurs, Db2 will create an internal select procedure for performance reasons.
When you upgrade to a new version of Db2, these internal Select procedures are invalidated.
Expectation is that one would rebind, which would regenerate the internal select procedures for the new release.
But all you are told are the number of procedures that were bypassed.

To determine what plans and packages need to be rebound as a result of this invalidation, navigate to the External/IQL Exceptions in Alert screen.
This would be option 9.5 off the Insight main menu.
You should see the following exception tripped:


RBNDRQRD Rebind Required Pln xxxxxxxx Cn xxxxxxxx
P/P 12345678 Col 1234567890123456 Inv Selects 1234


Where PLN is PLAN name, CN is Connection, P/P is Plan/Package and COL is Collection id.
This exception will identify what packages need to be rebound because of invalid select procedures.