Execute RC/Query line command "REPORT SAVE" results in Error Message RQ118I
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Execute RC/Query line command "REPORT SAVE" results in Error Message RQ118I


Article ID: 52503


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RC/Query for DB2 for z/OS


Generate under RC/Query for Db2 for z/OS (RCQ) a TABLE(T) LIST(L) or VIEW(V) LIST(L) Report like:

 DB2 Object ===> T                     Option  ===> L            Table Name ===> sysdummy1             Creator ===> SYSIBM       Qualifier ===> *                      Grantor ===> * 

Went into RC/Query Table List Report Screen (PanelID RQTL). If you would like to save this Report and execute line command


could result in:

RQ118I: No customized report formats found for xxxxx(USERID). 


The "REPORT SAVE" command combination will only work, if any Report for this Userid was created in the past.
If no User Report exist, this combination of "REPORT" and "SAVE" will not work. The valid commands for customized reports are:

  REPORTS   - displays all report formats for a userid on a particular ssid 
  SAVE      - save a customized report format CLEAR     - temporarily clear the customized report format. This does not delete any customized formats. 

So for the first time, the SAVE command and not SAVE REPORT command allows you to save the current report format as a personal customized report format.
The customized report format will be used to display subsequent reports from RC/Query when your profile value is set to display using customized report formats (SAVED REPORTS= Y).