Adjust tablespace and index space size for estimated rows using RC/Migrator
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Adjust tablespace and index space size for estimated rows using RC/Migrator


Article ID: 52475


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS


Comparing two databases. One is on Development and the other on Test environments. While the application system has been in development the number
of data rows have not been large but now that it's time to start system testing the planned number of rows will increase to a defined number that will stress test the application.

How to tell RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) to resize the tablespaces and indexes. Have already migrated an initial copy of the development objects to test and have
been doing comparisons at intervals to update the test objects. Requirement to migrate the database from scratch and drop the test database.


RC/Migrator Space Calculator feature is able to adjust the Primary and Secondary quantities for tablespaces and indexes. The specific number of expected
data rows are provided for this calculation by the user.

No,  the database does not have to be migrated again or dropped. 

This resizing can be done either during a migration or compare in a similar fashion.

Let's assume you know for a fact how many records will be loaded to each test table. This is already decided and all that has to be done is for the primary and secondary quantities of those tablespaces and indexes to be adjusted accordingly.

Resizing in a MIGRATION strategy can be done with these steps:

For Tablespaces

  1. Update the Migration Strategy.

  2. Place an "S" in the "TS" column to get a list of tablespaces.

  3. Pick the tablespace in question and "E" edit it.

  4. Place an "S" in the "CMD" line of the partition.

  5. This is space calculator. Enter the QUANTITY value of rows for each table in the tablespace. This will calculate a PRIQTY and SECQTY accordingly. Type the TOTALS command and look at the new Implicit PRIQTY and SECQTY. This will now be used in the generated DDL. Other items can be adjusted here too like SEGSIZE if desired or PCTFREE and others.

  6. PF3 out back one screen and you can see the changed values.

For Indexes

  1. Update the Migration Strategy.

  2. Place an "S" in the "IX" column to get a list of Indexes.

  3. Pick the Index in question and "E" edit it.

  4. Place an "S" on the "CMD" column of the Index partition to get to the Index Space Calculation.

  5. Change the Est. Data Rows to the correct number.

  6. PF3 out back one screen and you can see the changed values of PRI and SEC QTY.

When finished PF3 back to Strategy Services and perform the Analysis. The adjusted quantities will be generated in the DDL for the tablespace and/or indexes.

Resizing in a COMPARE strategy can be done with these steps:

For Tablespaces

  1. Update the Compare Strategy.

  2. Place an "X" in the "EXPL" column to go to the All Type Exclude Options screen.

  3. Enter "Y" in the Display all Dependent Objects field to list the objects.

  4. Pick the tablespace in question and "E" edit it.

  5. Place an "S" in the "CMD" line of the partition.

  6. This is space calculator. Enter the QUANTITY value of rows for each table in the tablespace. This will calculate a PRIQTY and SECQTY accordingly. Type the TOTALS command and look at the new Implicit PRIQTY and SECQTY. This will now be used in the generated DDL. Other items can be adjusted here too like FREEPAGE if desired or PCTFREE and others.

  7. PF3 out back one screen and you can see the changed values.

For Indexes

  1. Update the Compare Strategy.

  2. Place an "X" in the "EXPL" column to go to the All Type Exclude Options screen.

  3. Enter "Y" in the Display all Dependent Objects field to list the objects.

  4. Pick the Index in question and "E" edit it.

  5. Place an "S" in the "CMD" line of the partition.

  6. Enter the Est. Data Rows value of rows for the index. This will calculate a PRIQTY and SECQTY accordingly.

  7. PF3 out back one screen and you can see the changed values.

When finished PF3 back to Strategy Services and perform the Analysis. The adjusted quantities will be generated in the DDL for the tablespace and/or indexes.

Additional Information

Calculate Space Requirements for Tablespaces

Calculate Space Requirements for Indexes

Locate Free Space