How do I hide the Job Check Windows and Icon on the Agents?
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How do I hide the Job Check Windows and Icon on the Agents?


Article ID: 52464


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


If required, Administrator can hide the Job Check windows on Agents while it runs, but also the Icon can be hidden, so end users won't be able to trigger a Job Check at will.


Client Automation - 14.x


In order to hide the Job Check icon on Agents, the following change to the Default Computer Policy has to be made:

Configuration Policy -> Default Computer Policy -> DSM -> Software Delivery -> Agent-> Catalog: Hide Jobcheck icon

Set this value to True. (default value - False)

and, to hide the Job Check window on Agents, the following Policy has to be modified:

Configuration Policy -> Default Computer Policy -> DSM -> Software Delivery -> Agent -> Job Check: Silent mode.

Set this value to True. (default value - False)


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