Is it possible to use batch TPX and send messages that break in to a user terminal session?
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Is it possible to use batch TPX and send messages that break in to a user terminal session?


Article ID: 52457


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



TPXOPER SEND command can send a "one line" message to a user: SEND 'text',U=userid,BRK
TPXOPER command can be entered as a MODIFY (F) command from the MVS console. If you can have the batch run issue a MODIFY command, you can do it that way.

The TPX batch facility will only put the message on the mail file and requires being read from the internal mail application.


The TPXOPER SEND command can send a "one line" message to a user.

  • The format of the command is: "SEND 'text',U=userid".

  • You can add ",BRK" to the end of this if you want the message to break in even before the user hits enter on the keyboard.

This, along with many other TPXOPER commands can be entered as a MODIFY (F) command from the MVS console. Therefore, if you can have the batch run issue an MVS modify command, you can do it that way.

The SEND command is documented in the TPX Operator Guide. Examples from that doc:

  • To send the message ALL USERS OF TSO2 PLEASE LOGOFF to all users, issue the following command: SEND 'ALL USERS OF TSO2 PLEASE LOGOFF',ALL

  • To send the message YOUR JOB IS LOOPING - PLEASE CANCEL to the TPXUSER1 in break-in mode, issue the following command: SEND 'YOUR JOB IS LOOPING - PLEASE CANCEL',U=TPXUSER1,BRK

The only other batch interface is the TPX batch facility but that will only put the message on the mail file and requires being read from the internal mail application, TPXMAIL. See the CA TPX Batch Administration Guide for details.


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