Identity Manager - Environment Creation Fails, Error code - 1063
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Identity Manager - Environment Creation Fails, Error code - 1063


Article ID: 52415


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During a new Identity Manager Environment Creation, the following error is encountered:

The Env creation ends with the following entry:

Creating screen "Password Policy Search"
Creating field "Name" for the group "ResultFields"
Creating field "Description" for the group "ResultFields"
Creating field "Enabled" for the group "ResultFields"

An error occurred while configuring Identity Manager. Reverting configured objects...

Error: No items found

1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

The SMPS log shows the following error occurring:

[SmDsOdbcProvider.cpp:411][ERROR] Failed to connect to any of the following data sources: 'SmAssertion Data Source'.[7837/90450]
[SmDsOdbcProvider.cpp:410][ERROR] Unexpected error in database interface. . Error code -1063

Additional Details:

  • Successfully created new Environment in a test lab using the same directory.xml file.

  • The Directory gets created with no problems..

Test Environment:

Identity Manager 8.1SP2 running on Solaris 10 (H/A Config).
SiteMinder 6.0 SP5 CR22 (H/A Config).
Installed IM SiteMinder Extensions on the PS servers.
Using a new Directory XML.



Component: IDMGR


The root cause of this issue was a mis-configuration of the Load Balancing between the Policy Servers.
Load Balancing was setup for the Policy Servers in the Audit.xml file. This is a mis-configuration. Load Balancing must be setup in the RA.XMl File(s).

This issue can be resolved by the following:

Removed the Load Balancing configuration from the audit.xml.
Enabled Failover in the RA.xml.