U0032 abends indicate storage related problems. TPX may encounter these abends and continue to operate.
This document outlines the steps to take for assessing this situation.
Sample symptom dump in TPX log:
IEA995I SYMPTOM DUMP OUTPUT 942 USER COMPLETION CODE=0032 TIME=09.09.54 SEQ=00054 CPU=0000 ASID=0215 PSW AT TIME OF ERROR 078D1000 80034672 ILC 2 INTC 0D ACTIVE LOAD MODULE ADDRESS=00034468 OFFSET=000 NAME=TPXGTSTR DATA AT PSW 0003466C - 00181610 0A0D47F0 C1F61884 GR 0: 00000000_80000000 1: 00000000_80000020 2: 00000000_00000080 3: 00000000_00000000 4: 00000000_00480000 5: 00000000_00006738 6: 00000000_000A4100 7: 00000000_000A4200 8: 00000000_00000000 9: 00000000_00000000 A: 00000000_FFFFFFFF B: 00000000_0001D038 C: 00000000_000344A8 D: 00000000_00696EB8 E: 00000000_800345F2 F: 00000010_00000100 END OF SYMPTOM DUMP
Release: 5.4
Component: TPX for Z/OS
The product has been unable to satisfy a storage request.
At the time of the ABEND, register 2 contains the size of the storage request.
If register 12 contains an X'80' in the high order bit, the request was for the above-the-line storage.
There are several events to check when encountering U0032 abends:
1. Is TPX still executing or did it stop or get recycled?
- When TPX is recycled this should reset storage allocations and get past the immediate situation that caused the abend.
- NOTE: Before stopping TPX to resolve the abends, ensure that you capture all of the required diagnostics listed below
if you intend to request that Broadcom investigate this situation.
2. Any slot overflow messages (TPX300)in the TPX LOG, may suggest storage depletion.
- A single slot overflow is usually not a problem unless it is occurring on a regular basis.
- When three or more slots overflow within a short period of time, then the storage allocations
in the SMRT may need to be reassessed.
Gather the output from TPXOPER D STOR and D STORXA commands and send it to support for assessment.
3 Verify that slot size allocations (SMRT option 2 and 3) match up with the default values for your release.
- You can check the defaults by creating a new SMRT.
4 What is the region size of the TPX proc?
- Recommended size is REGION=0M.
- Also verify whether or not the storage for this LPAR may have become 'fenced' and not
have as much storage as originally thought. Fencing is the disconnection of a node from shared storage.
5 When displaying storage using the D STOR and D STORXA commands in TPXOPER, if slots are at 100%
capture these screen displays before TPX is cycled and send it to support for evaluation.
6 Ensure that TPX 5.4 is current on maintenance.
Summarized action plan:
Gather the following information and contact Broadcom Technical Support: