How to apply Service Desk patches using Applyptf?
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How to apply Service Desk patches using Applyptf?


Article ID: 52358


Updated On: 06-24-2024


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Applyptf is the utility used to apply Service Desk point fix patches. The following document steps through the installation and operation of this utility.


Release: 17.X
Component:  CA Service Desk Manager


  1. Download the file from Install media\file store\util. 

  2. Unzip the given zip file to a temp directory on the server in which you are installing the point fix.  In our running example, the directory will be "C:\ApplyPTF"

  3. open an admin command prompt and change to the directory to the C:\ApplyPTF\ApplyPTF directory

  4. Execute the applyptf.exe as shown below:

  5. Select the first option 'Apply PTF to local or remote nodes" and then click on Next.

  6. Browse to the patch file location, in our example, the patch file was copied to "C:\Patch", select it and then click on Next to apply the patch as shown in below example:

    Note:  Test patches are usually in the form TXXXXXX.CAZ.  The "To Node" location should be pre-populated with the name of your local SDM Server

  7. After a successful patch application, details will be recorded in the <Server Name>.his file under the Service Desk root directory.

Please be sure to check any pre- or post-installation tasks associated with the patch. These will be detailed in the <patchname>.txt file.

Applyptf will also allow you to back out patches, list patches, and install patches to remote machines.

Additional Information

Generally speaking, most fixes and updates to Service Desk are delivered via the Rollup patches, which does not require end user interaction with the ApplyPTF utility.  This document is provided should one need to apply and install a single point fix which does not utilise an install wizard executable to install.