What is the Transfer Option at the user level?
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What is the Transfer Option at the user level?


Article ID: 52352


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



The transfer option specifies the action taken when the user transfers sessions from one physical terminal to another without signing off TPX. If you don't specify a value, TPX will prompt the user for an action.


Possible Values are:

  • ANY If the terminal type is incompatible, TPX performs the transfer and terminates any sessions that cannot be transferred.

  • HOLD If the terminal type is incompatible, TPX performs the transfer keeping the incompatible sessions active but inaccessible until the user transfers to a compatible terminal or restarts the sessions.

  • MULT Disallows all terminal transfers and inactivates the user's sessions on sign off. Use this option if you are allowing multiple users to sign on with a single user ID.

  • NONE Disallows all terminal transfers.


Component: TLVIEW