What are the IDMS Tools program and task names? How to verify what IDMS Tools products have been installed if you only have the Tools runtime loadlib?
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What are the IDMS Tools program and task names? How to verify what IDMS Tools products have been installed if you only have the Tools runtime loadlib?


Article ID: 52350


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IDMS IDMS - Database


What are the IDMS Tools program and task names?



Release: All supported releases.
Component: IDMS


IDMS Tools Products that have been installed can be identified by using SMP/E, however sometimes perhaps due to site consolidation; the SMP/E environment information is not available. In those cases, how can you verify what IDMS Tools products have been installed if you only have the Tools runtime loadlib, for example *.*.CWIG0LLT.

Tools Product Name                     Program Name Prefix     Online Task Name 
CA-IDMS/ADS TRACE-MVS                  USGxxxx                 ADST
CA-IDMS/DICTIONARY MIGRATOR            USMxxxx                 None - batch only
CA-IDMS/DICTIONARY QUERY FACILITY      DADxxxx                 DQF **see note**
CA-IDMS/DC-SORT (TP/SORT)              TPSxxxx                 TPSG
CA-IDMS/DML ONLINE-MVS                 USDxxxx                 DMLO
CA-IDMS/DB REORG-MVS                   USRxxxx                 None - batch only
CA-IDMS/DB AUDIT-MVS                   USAxxxx                 None - batch only
CA-IDMS/Online Log Display             USKxxxx                 LOGD
CA-IDMS/JOURNAL ANALYZER-MVS           USJxxxx                 None - batch only
CA-IDMS/LOG ANALYZER-MVS               USLxxxx                 None - batch only
CA-IDMS/MASTERKEY-MVS                  SSKxxxx                 KEYS, APPLKEY
CA-IDMS/ADS ALIVE                      USGxxxx                 ADSALIVE, QREVIEW
CA-IDMS/SCHEMA MAPPER                  USSxxxx                 None - batch only
CA-IDMS/DICT MODULE EDITOR-MVS         USExxxx                 DME
CA-IDMS/Database Extractor             USVxxxx                 DBX
CA-IDMS Enforcer                       ESXxxxx                 ENFORCER
CA-IDMS/SASO                           ESSxxxx                 SASO
CA IDMS TASK ANALYZER                  USFxxxx                 USFAOPT

Also included in the IDMS Tools runtime loadlib are the IDMS Tools Service Programs:

General Service                        GSSxxxx
General Service IDMS                   GSIxxxx
Editor                                 USXxxxx
Mapper                                 GSMxxxx
DBIO                                   GSDxxxx

Note: Set the dictionary to TOOLDICT via a 'DCUF SET DICTNAME TOOLDICT' command prior to issuing the DQF task code.


CA IDMS Installation and Maintenance Guide, 9.3 Tools Installation Jobs - Customizing Tools Runtime Options.

How to verify which IDMS products are installed?