FTP Plug-in Error while trying to start the Agent.
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FTP Plug-in Error while trying to start the Agent.


Article ID: 52336


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Workload Automation Agent DSERIES- SERVER CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)


FTP plug-in error indicates that the FTP plug-in is enabled on the ESP System Agent. The FTP plug-in is either configured on the ESP System Agent during Agent installation or the plug-in parameter 'plugins.start_internal_N=ftp' manually added to the agentparm.txt file (where N is the next sequential number in the list of plug-ins) to enable the plug-in.

If the FTP plug-in is enable on the Agent, and you encountered this error during Agent start-up:

   Tue Feb 23 15:04:56.137 EST 2010 [ CRITICAL ] [MainThread, 5, main] 
   CybFtpPluginDriver.runApplication[:116] - CybFtpPluginDriver terminated: 
   cybermation.library.communications.CybConversationException: Address already 
   in use: JVM_Bind at 
   (CybCommunicationsSocketListener.java:140) at 
   cybermation.plugins.ftp.server.CybFTPServer.<init>(CybFTPServer.java:49) at 
   (CybFtpPluginDriver.java:98) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 
   (Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown 
   Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at 
   java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at 
   (CybPluginManager.java:284) at 
   cybermation.agent.CybAgentDriver.runApplication(CybAgentDriver.java:263) at 

The problem is that the Agent has been configured as an FTP server and the port defined for the FTP server is in use and not available on the system (for example, there is another ftp sever already running on the same host with the same port);

To resolve this issue, you need to check that the value assigned to the FTP server port 'ftp.serverport=' in the agentparm.txt is available on the system.

Therefore, check the value assigned to the ftp server port in the agentparm.txt file;
And, use a port available on the system.


Component: SYSAGD