Cannot open netViz projects after installing a newer version of the application into the same directory as an older version (Legacy KB ID CNC TS16087 )
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Cannot open netViz projects after installing a newer version of the application into the same directory as an older version (Legacy KB ID CNC TS16087 )


Article ID: 52300


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A newer version of netViz must be installed in a new directory.  If you have installed the newer version in the same directory as the old one, move the netViz project files, catalog files and backgrounds to a new directory, then delete the directory where both versions are installed, and reinstall in a new location.

Instructions for installing a newer version of netViz

Upgrading from previous netViz versions:

Be sure that the netViz version that you are installing is installed in a new directory. This prevents the installation from overwriting files in previously installed netViz directories.

If you are storing netViz project files, catalog files or backgrounds anywhere within an old netViz directory, copy these files to a directory (e.g., My projects) within the new netViz directory or create a new directory outside ANY existing netViz directory and copy the files there. (If you do this, you won't need to copy these files again when upgrading to future netViz versions.)

Ensure that there is nothing else you want to save that is now stored in the old netViz directory.  If so, backup these files. Then the old netViz directory can safely be deleted.

Delete any old program shortcuts/icons from the desktop. netViz 7.0 can open project and catalog files saved by netViz 3.0 and later. However, once you save these files using netViz 7.0, they cannot be opened by previous versions.

Related Issues/Questions:
Cannot open netViz projects after installing a newer version of the application into the same directory as an older version

Problem Environment:
netViz 3D

(Legacy KB ID CNC TS16087 )


Release: NTVADP05900-7.5-netViz-Adapter