How do I install the IM GINA and Vista Credential Provider silently?
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How do I install the IM GINA and Vista Credential Provider silently?


Article ID: 52271


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The IM GINA and Vista Credential Provider (VCP) can be installed silently with no user interaction. Command line parameters are used to support the silent installation of the GINA and VCP. The command line parameters also extend to setting configuration items during the installation.


Component: IDMGR


By default, the silent installation deploys all the components of the IM GINA and VCP with all the default settings in the default location. The settings can be changed after the installation via ginaconfig.exe (GINA) or CAIMCredProvConfig.exe (VCP).

Rather than changing the settings after the installation, some settings (seven properties of GINA and six properties of VCP) can be set in the command line parameters during the silent install.

The configurable properties of the GINA are:

  • LINK1: Link1 Command (in ginaconfig.exe)

  • LINK2: Link2 Command

  • LINK3: Link3 Command


  • COMP508: Section 508 Compliance (Use Return in menu)

  • USECUSTOMTITLE: Use Custom Title (tick box)

  • CUSTOMTITLE: Use Custom Title (text field)

<Please see attached file for image>

Figure 1
Figure 1: ginaconfig.exe

The configurable properties of the VCP are:

  • LINK1: Link1 URL (in CAIMCredProvConfig.exe)

  • LINK2: Link2 URL

  • LINK3: Link3 URL

  • COMP508: Section 508 Compliance (Use Return in menu)

  • USECUSTOMTITLE: Use Custom Title (tick box)

  • CUSTOMTITLE: Use Custom Title (text field)

<Please see attached file for image>

Figure 2
Figure 2: CAIMCredProvConfig.exe

Command-line syntax for silent installation of the GINA:

setup.exe /s /v"/qn LICENSE=Yes INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\Provisioning GINA\" LINK1=\"[INSTALLDIR]cube <url>\" LINK2=\"[INSTALLDIR]cube <url>\" LINK3=\"[INSTALLDIR]cube <url>\"LINKDEFAULT=\"<url>\" COMP508=\"<yes|no>\" USECUSTOMTITLE=\"<yes|no>\" CUSTOMTITLE=\"<content>\""

INSTALLDIR: This install location can be specified by the user.
INSTALLDIR]cube <url>: In Gina, the location of the cube.exe must be added before the link URL in order to launch the cube.exe. [INSTALLDIR] can be used as a tag to represent the installation location of Gina. <url> is the URL address that the user wants.
<yes|no>: The value of the parameter can be either "yes" or "no".
<content>: User specified value.

To set a property to the default value, the user may either not add the parameter to the command line or leave the value of the parameter blank.

Command-line syntax for silent installation of the VCP:

setup.exe /s /v"/qn LICENSE=Yes INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\Credential Provider\" LINK1 =\"<url>\" LINK2=\"<url>\" LINK3=\"<url>\" COMP508=\"<yes|no>\" USECUSTOMTITLE=\"<yes|no>\" CUSTOMTITLE=\"<content>\""

INSTALLDIR: This install location can be specified by the user.
<url>: The URL address that the user wants. Note: In VCP, the location of the cube.exe is no longer required.
<yes|no>: The value of the parameter can be either "yes" or "no".
<content>: User specified value.

To set a property to the default value, the user may either not add the parameter to the command line or leave the value of the parameter blank. The silent installation must be run as a user with Windows 'Administrator' privileges.


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