On a TPX menu, can a user get APPLID information without being the TPX administrator?
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On a TPX menu, can a user get APPLID information without being the TPX administrator?


Article ID: 52241


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TPX - Session Management


The Applid defined in the ACT (Application Control Table) specifies the VTAM APPLID (network name) of the application.
This field is available from the main TPX panel Txx0010, where xx is the language. For example, TEN0010 for English.


Release: 5.4
Component: TPX for Z/OS


When logged on to the main TPX menu, observe panelid on the top right of the displayed panel.

To see the Applid for an application, scroll right (PF11)on the TPX menu:

                       TPX MENU FOR      USER001            Panelid  - TEN0041 
                                                            Terminal -  
 Cmdkey=PF12/24    Jump=NONE      Menu=PF4                  Model    -  
 Print=NONE        Cmdchar=/                                System   - 
    Sessid      Sesskey       Session Description            Status            
   _ TPXADMIN    PF            TPX Administration                               
   _ TPXOPER     PF            TPX Operator                                     
   _ TPXMAIL     PF            TPX Mailbox                                      
   _ TPXVIEW     PF            TPX View                                         
   _ TPXNOTES    PF            TPX Notepad                                      
   _ TPXWINDW    PF            TPX Windows                                      
   _ TPXDEMO     PF            TPX Dummy Session                                                           

Scroll right (PF11) to see Applid.

                       TPX MENU FOR      USER001            Panelid  - TEN0010 
                                                            Terminal - 
 Cmdkey=PF12/24    Jump=NONE      Menu=PF4                  Model    - 
 Print=NONE        Cmdchar=/                                System   - 
      Sessid     Vterm      Applid      Connect Time                            
    _ TPXADMIN              TPXADMIN                                           
    _ TPXOPER               TPXOPER                                            
    _ TPXMAIL               TPXMAIL                                            
    _ TPXVIEW               TPXVIEW                                            
    _ TPXNOTES              TPXNOTES                                           
    _ TPXWINDW              TPXWINDW                                           
    _ TPXDEMO               TPXDEMO                                            

For panels Txx0041 and Txx0010, you may rearrange the location of the displayed columns/variables including moving a variable from one panel to the other.
TPXOPER display command  (D U=xxxxxxx)  where, xxxxxxx is the userid,  will also show the Applid as well as LOGMODE, virtual terminal id (VT) and other data.