With CA ESP Workload Automation, how do you add a predecessor and successor with an IJ command in CSF?
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With CA ESP Workload Automation, how do you add a predecessor and successor with an IJ command in CSF?


Article ID: 52201


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ESP Workload Automation



Both the Operator's Guide and User's Guide mention that a predecessor and successor job can be specified after the IJ command is entered and the "Insert an Object" panel has been properly filled in.

In our test case here, there are two jobs that need to be inserted, but one must be a successor of the other. Job NXTJOB2 is a successor job to NEWJOB1 and is identified accordingly after entering the IJ command and being presented with the "Insert an Object" panel. In addition NEWJOB1 is specified as manual hold by entering a "Y" in the "Hold" field.

Upon pressing the enter key, NEWJOB1 is displayed, but it seems that NXTJOB2 is nowhere to be found as a successor job.


There are two ways to accomplish this:

  1. Do an IJ in CSF to insert the NEWJOB2 job.

  2. Specify the NXTJOB1 as a PRED to NEWJOB2.

  3. Enter 'Y' in the panel to complete the insert.

  4. Do another IJ in CSF to insert the NXTJOB1 job.

  5. Specify the NEWJOB2 as a SUCCESSOR to this NXTJOB1.

  6. Enter a 'Y' in the panel to complete the insert.

Use the IW command in CSF to Insert a WOB (workload object) in freeform as if you are coding the Application. You would need to add the RELEASE, and RUN statements as you would in the Appl.

In order to use the PRED and SUCC (Y/N), the job that it refers to has to be defined to CA ESP WA. In any case, you would need to use the "More inserts" equal 'Y' when inserting multiple jobs.

Let's say you want to insert two jobs A and B with A releasing B.

Here are the steps...

  1. IJ job A on HOLD with (More inserts = 'Y').

  2. Define job B with PRED of job A (More inserts = 'N').

  3. Specify job A.

  4. Process Actions.

If a job is defined with PRED and SUCC and the PRED/SUCC job is not defined yet, the job will be readied right away. This is working as designed. It's the same as if you code the Application procedure as follows:

JOB A           
RUN ANY       
RELEASE B       

As there is no JOB B defined, the RELEASE will be ignored.


Component: ESPWA