What are the Requirements for installing CA OM Web Viewer r11.5?
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What are the Requirements for installing CA OM Web Viewer r11.5?


Article ID: 52159


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Bundl Dispatch Output Mgmt Output Management Document Viewer Deliver View Output Management Web Viewer


What are the Requirements for installing CA OM Web Viewer r11.5?


Release: DISPAX00200-11.7-Dispatch


Here are the Requirements for Installing CA Output Management Web Viewer by Component.


Supported Platforms:
           Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 or 2012
           World Wide Web (Microsoft IIS 7)

SQL Supported Releases:
           Any supported version of Microsoft SQL Server 

Additional Software:
           TCP/IP must be installed and configured
           CAICCI/PC 2.1 or higher
           Note: will be installed silently by CA OM Web Viewer only if CAICCI/PC is not installed*
           CA Common Communication Interface
           Microsoft Internet Explorer IE11
           Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7 or higher

Hardware required to install CA OM Web Viewer on the Server:
           Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or higher
           Dual CPU recommended or higher
           3 GB RAM
           80 GB Hard drive

Admin Tool:

Supported Platforms:
           Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or higher
           Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 or higher

Additional software:
           CAICCI/PC 2.1 or higher
           Note: It will be installed silently by CA OM Web Viewer only if CAICCI/PC is not installed*
           Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7
           CA Common Communication Interface

CA OM Web Viewer Users:

Supported Platforms:
           Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or higher
           Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 or higher

           Internet Explorer IE11

In order to get the full convenience of persistent preference and some security settings, session cookies should be enabled.

Users e-mailing reports using the MAPI interface, using such programs as Microsoft Outlook, must have their MAPI compliant e-mail program installed and configured on their workstation before using this feature.

System Privileges:
CA OM Web Viewer r11.5 utilizes ActiveX controls for printing and emailing reports. CA OM Web Viewer users must able to download ActiveX controls and register them, or, an alternative method must be developed. Call CA SUPPORT if you need additional information regarding this requirement.

Cooperative Processing Requirements:
           CA DRAS r11.5 (CA BUNDL only)
           CA DRAS r11.7  (CA DISPATCH only)
           Otherwise, any supported release of CA DRAS bundled with CA View

And one of the following mainframe repository products:
           Any supported release of CA View
           CA Dispatch r11.7
           CA Bundl Release 5.0, Genlevel 0309 SP1

*If you have a version of CAICCI/PC already installed and it is older than the required version, you may want to uninstall CAICCI/PC before starting the install of Web Viewer. Then Web Viewer will automatically install the correct version.