Output from the remote bind step SYSTSPRT and SYSPRINT is being placed in temporary datasets. The next step in PCL uses IEBGENER to send the temporary files back to be included with the SCF listing. The SYSPRINT data is not being produced.
The remote bind job DSNTIAD creates SYSTSPRT with LRECL=133 and SYSPRINT with LRECL=121.
DCB attributes specified in JCL (or PCL) always takes a lower priority if the same DCB attribute is explicitly specified by the program writing to SYSPRINT. In other words, if DSNTIAD decides it is going to write 121 byte records to SYSPRINT, this will override the RECFM LRECL=133 in the PCL. To prove or disprove this, you could do the same thing outside Alchemist, writing SYSPRINT to spool and then check the record length that is assigned.
Since the temporary files have different record lengths (LRECL), they cannot be concatenated in the same SYSUT1 DD statement. They need to be concatenated to the SCF listing in separate IEBGENER steps.