There are 5 different files depending on what type of model you want to modify the information for. They are all located in the $SPECROOT /tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/topo/config directory on the OneClick systems. The files are:
container-tooltip-config.xml - Container models other then the Network container
network-tooltip-config.xml - The Network Container model
port-tooltip-config.xml - Port models
device-tooltip-config.xml - Device models
default-tooltip-config.xml - Any other model not covered by the above
The following is an example of adding the Acknowledged attribute to the device-tooltip-config.xml file but can be used for any of the tooltip files mention above:
1. You will need to identify the attribute id of the attribute you wish to add. This can be done using the Command Line Interface (CLI), the Attribute Editor or the Attributes tab. For this example, the Acknowledged attribute id is 0x1134e.
2. Copy the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/topo/config/device-tooltip-config.xml file to the $SPECROOT/custom/topo/config directory
3. Edit the $SPECROOT/custom/topo/config/device-tooltip-config.xml file and add the attribute information. In this exaple, the following was added to the device-tooltip-config.xml file. This can be added after the last </param> tag in the file.
4. Find the following entry:
5. Change the above entry in step 4 to read as follows:
4. Save the changes
5. Have users log out of OneClick
6. Restart tomcat
7. Log back in and verify the change has taken affect
Note: In the changes made in step 4 and 5, you will need to add a new set to <tr> tags for each new attribute added to the file incrementing the numbers inside the brackets {} within the <tr> tags accordingly. You will also need to increment the number inside brackets {} after the last </tr> tag by two for each new attribute added..