Why is the Spectrum Trap Based Continuous Discovery trying to discover devices using a public community string?
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Why is the Spectrum Trap Based Continuous Discovery trying to discover devices using a public community string?


Article ID: 52099


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Why is the Spectrum Trap Based Continuous Discovery trying to discover devices using a public community string?


Release: Any


Most likely causes:

1. The public community string is in the "SNMP Community Strings" field

2. The device is sending the public community string int he trap received by Spectrum


When the Spectrum Trap Based Continuous Discovery is enabled, Spectrum first tries to model the device using the snmp community string sent with the trap.

If Spectrum is unable to create the model using the community string sent with the trap, Spectrum attempts to model the device using the community strings in the "SNMP Community Strings" list located in the AutoDiscovery Control -> Modeling and Protocol Options subview of the VNM model.

1. Check the trap to see if public is sent as the community string

2. Check the "SNMP Community Strings" list located in the AutoDiscovery Control -> Modeling and Protocol Options subview of the VNM model

Additional Information

Please reference the "AutoDiscovery Control Subview" of the documentation for more information.