Spectrum processes/services that need to be stopped before upgrading or installing a patch
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Spectrum processes/services that need to be stopped before upgrading or installing a patch


Article ID: 52092


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Spectrum processes/services that need to be stopped before upgrading or installing a patch


Release: Any


When installing an upgrade or a patch for Spectrum, it is important to shutdown all of the Spectrum processes before installation. Failure to shutdown the Spectrum processes can result in the installation hanging or database corruption.

It is also important these processes be shutdown gracefully in order to prevent database corruption.

NOTE: The SPECTRUM installer will attempt to shut down all SPECTRUM processes, however there are times when the process may not shut down.

1. Shutdown the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes. This can be done in two ways:

    a. Start the Spectrum Control Panel and click on the Stop SpectroSERVER button. This will stop both the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes
    b. From a bash shell, run the $SPECROOT/bin/stopSS.pl script. This will stop both the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes.

2. Shutdown processd. This can be done on both Windows and Linux by running the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/processd.pl stop command. On Windows, you can also stop the SPECTRUM Process Daemon service

3. When processd is shutdown, it should also shutdown the following Spectrum processes/services:

AlarmNotifier (if you have processd controlling AlarmNotifier)
webtomcat (If you have processd controlling the Web Tomcat)

4. On Windows, ensure you do not have any bash shells running

If you notice any of the above Spectrum processes running after gracefully shutting down the SpectroSERVER, Archive Manager and processd, you can go ahead and kill these processes.

The ONLY Spectrum process that MUST be up and running during the install is the SRAdmin process.