CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies will not start on my NFA Harvester.
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CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies will not start on my NFA Harvester.


Article ID: 5209


Updated On: 10-20-2023


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


After installing/upgrading NFA I cannot start the "CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies" service.


The <Install Dir>\CA\NFA\Netflow\Logs\proxies-wrapper.log file will show an error like:

Error: Server Runtime Error: Address already in use: bind



NFA All Versions


NFA uses port 8081 for this service, if another application such as McAfee is also using this port it will prevent the service from starting.


You can change the port number that this service uses on each Harvester server to a port that is available such as 8089 by following the respective steps below for your version of NFA.


NFA 9.3.3 and earlier:

1. Open a command prompt on the Harvester and type:

mysql poller

2. Then update the port number (e.g. to port 8089) by running:

Update settings set value = '8089' where name='SnmpProxyPort';

3.  Attempt to start the service again and it should start.


NFA 9.3.6 and later:

1. Open a command prompt on the Harvester and type:

mysql harvester -unetqos -pnetqos

2. Then update the port number (e.g. to port 8089) by running:

Update settings set value = '8089' where name='SnmpProxyPort';

3.  Attempt to start the service again and it should start.


Additional Information

If setting the port to 8089 does not allow the service to start, please verify that this port is not also in use and pick another available port for this service to run on.