How to implement the out of the box SPECTRUM BGP Condition Correlation
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How to implement the out of the box SPECTRUM BGP Condition Correlation


Article ID: 52082


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CA Spectrum


How to implement SPECTRUM BGP Condition Correlation


Release: Any


SPECTRUM comes with BGP Condition Correlation but it must be configured as the default configuration triggers a backward state transition alarm. The BGP Condition Correlation can be used to correlate a Major "A BGP4 PEER BACKWARD STATE TRANSITION HAS OCCURRED" alarm from event 0x00220015 to a root cause "DEVICE CONTACT LOST" event 0x10302. To implement:

1. The router devices need to be configured to send BGP traps to the SpectroSERVER syste
2. Set the BGP4_Alarm_On_Traps attribute (0x2201fd) to True on all BGP4_App models
3. Create a Condition Correlation Domain with the following:
    a. Add the BGP Peer Lost Policy to the Domain
    b. Add all the BGP routers as Resources to the Domain

When SPECTRUM receives a "A BGP4 PEER BACKWARD STATE TRANSITION HAS OCCURRED" alarm, it checks the value of the peer varbind of the trap. Then, checks to see if the model associated with that ip address is in a "DEVICE CONTACT LOST" status. If it is, the "A BGP4 PEER BACKWARD STATE TRANSITION HAS OCCURRED" alarm is set as a Symptomatic alarm with a root cause of the "DEVICE CONTACT LOST" alarm. it is not displayed in the Alarms tab but in the Symptoms folder in the Impact tab of the "DEVICE CONTACT LOST" alarm.