How to enable debug for RFC2790 Process Monitoring in SPECTRUM
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How to enable debug for RFC2790 Process Monitoring in SPECTRUM


Article ID: 52074


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How to enable debug for RFC2790 Process Monitoring in SPECTRUM


The following instructions are used to enable debugging on the RFC2790App model to trouble shoot issues with process monitoring.

1. Log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

2. On Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

3. cd to the $SPECROOT/vnmsh directory and enter the following command to start a Command Line Interface (CLI) session:


4. Enter the following command where <MH> is the model handle of the RFC2790App model to enable the debug:

./update action=12345670 mh=<model handle_of_RFC2790App_model>

5. Let it run for at least one full process table read cycle (10 minutes, by default), then stop the output by sending it the same action again. The debug output will be written to the $SPECROOT/SS/VNM.OUT file.