Error occurs when trying to link a netViz project to an external database (Legacy KB ID CNC TS14891)
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Error occurs when trying to link a netViz project to an external database (Legacy KB ID CNC TS14891)


Article ID: 52057


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To resolve the problem:

1. Open Windows Explorer

2. Select the netViz program directory

3. Locate the "odbc32.dll" file

4. Rename it odbcA32.dll.

This will force netViz to utilize the ODBC dll in the Windows system directory. If this doesn't correct the problem, go back to this file and remove the "A" to return it to its original condition.

Related Issues/Questions:
Error occurs when trying to link a netViz project to an external database
Receiving an error when returning to the project and selecting Database (Refresh or Update)

Problem Environment:
Error:"Database access error," "ODBC driver not found," or "Database error: Driver does not support this function."
netViz Enterprise Server
netViz 3D
netViz Pro

Causes of this problem:
ODBC drivers operate through "dynamic link libraries" or .dll files. This problem is often caused by conflicting ODBC dll's. This usually happens because netViz and Windows each contains ODBC drivers.

(Legacy KB ID CNC TS14891 )


Release: NTVADP05900-7.5-netViz-Adapter