How to configure SPECTRUM to name the device models using the Host Name and not the Fully Qualified Host Name
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How to configure SPECTRUM to name the device models using the Host Name and not the Fully Qualified Host Name


Article ID: 52048


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How to configure SPECTRUM to name the device models using the Host Name and not the Fully Qualified Hots Name


Release: Any


1. Login to OneClick as an ADMIN user

2. Find and select the VNM model

3. Click on the Information tab

4. Find and expand the SpectroSERVER Control folder

5. Set the Model Naming Order so the Name Service is the first entry in the list

6. Set the Use Fully Qualified Host Name to No

Use Fully Qualified Host Name -
Specifies whether the domain name is included with the host name when the Name Service selection is placed first in the Model Naming Order list. For example, if you select Yes here, the model?s icon would be created with a fully qualified name such as If you select No here, the model?s icon would be created without a fully qualified name such as myhost. This only applies when you use the device name returned from the operating system. Default: Yes


Model Naming Order - Specifies the order of the list of sources used by SPECTRUM to create model names for new models. If the first source at the top of the list is not available for a device, SPECTRUM attempts to use the next source in the list. The default order is as follows, with the top source being the first in priority:

1. SysName
2. IP Address
3. Name Service

After changing the model naming order, click the "Reevaluate All Model Names" button to have SPECTRUM run through all the models in the database and rename each one using the new model naming order.

The following additional scenarios will trigger the device model name to be reevaluated using the current model name selection. It will not reevaluate based on a new model name selection:

If the IP address of the device changes and the model naming is based on IP Address or Name Service
If the Reconfiguration, Reevaluate Model Name(s) action is manually applied
If the Reconfiguration, Reconfigure Model action is manually applied

If you do not want a specific device model name to be changed, set the value of the model's "LOCK_MODEL_NAME" (0x12a52) attribute to TRUE. This attribute locks the model name value so that it will not be changed.

Additional Information

Please reference the "SpectroSERVER Control Subview" section of the documentation for more information.