Multiple CA Fast Load jobs fail with -911 on PTG700T2 PFL0413E
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Multiple CA Fast Load jobs fail with -911 on PTG700T2 PFL0413E


Article ID: 5204


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Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS Fast Check for DB2 for z/OS Fast Index for DB2 for z/OS Rapid Reorg for DB2 for z/OS


Running multiple Fast Load jobs at the same time may cause an occasional SQL -911 timeout failure on the CA Restart Table PTG700T2, receiving error: PFL0413E - Unable to Update Restart Table 


CA R18 and R19, DB2 V10 and above


Running multiple Fast load utilities at the same time. 


Alter CA Tablespace PTG700T2 from LOCKSIZE PAGE to LOCKSIZE ROW to resolve the problem of contention due to high usage of the Restart table. This has corrected the problem for all our customers who hit this same problem.