Using SPECTRUM AlarmNotifier to identify Flash Green models (Legacy KB ID CNC TS31015 )
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Using SPECTRUM AlarmNotifier to identify Flash Green models (Legacy KB ID CNC TS31015 )


Article ID: 52037


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CA Spectrum


Using SPECTRUM AlarmNotifier to identify Flash Green models 

The Flash Green functionality is a way for SPECTRUM to identify a model that has an alarm asserted on it and then cleared without a user acknowledging the alarm first. In the old SpectroGRAPH UI, the model would "flash" between GREEN and GREY. In the OneClick UI, it does not "flash". 


Release: Any


The AlarmNotifier can be used to identify an alarm which had been cleared before being acknowledged by doing the following:

1. Set the FlashGreen attribute id 0x11a58 on the model to Yes.

Reference the "SANM-Enabled Script Parameters" section of the documentation.

FlashGreen - True or False. This parameter displays in ClearScript notifications but not in SetScript or UpdateScript notifications. True indicates that the cleared alarm is exhibiting the flash green condition (the flash green option for the model is enabled and the GET_FLASH_GREEN parameter in the .alarmrc resource file is set to True). Note that even though this field is not displayed by SetScript and UpdateScript notifications, the parameter is actually passed to these scripts, and because it is invalid, it has the default value of False in each script.

2. Set the GET_FLASH_GREEN parameter in the $SPECROOT/Notifier/.alarmrc file (or the .alarmrc file you have your AlarmNotifier configured to use) to True.

Reference the "SANM-Enabled .alarmrc Parameters" section of the documentation.

GET_FLASH_GREEN - True (the default value) or False. This parameter lets you specify whether you want to receive the Flash Green status of a model. ClearScript is the only script that displays the Flash Green status. When Flash Green is enabled for a model, the model continues to flash green even after alarms are cleared. This signals that alarms have occurred even though they no longer exist. If the value of GET_FLASH_GREEN is set to False, the Flash Green status is always passed to the ClearScript as false. If set to True, the Flash Green status is correctly passed as either False or True.

From here, you monitor the $SPECROOT/Notifier/NOTIFIER.OUT file for cleared alarms where the value of "Flash Green" is True that indicates the alarm was cleared before it was acknowledged.