How do I get a list of models or model handles from a Spectrum Global Collection
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How do I get a list of models or model handles from a Spectrum Global Collection


Article ID: 52019


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How do I get a list of models or model handles from a Spectrum Global Collection


Release: Any


There are a couple ways to get a complete list of models in a Global Collection, depending on whether you want to use the OneClick GUI or retrieve the data from command line for scripting purposes.

If you want to export this list of models to a spreadsheet format perform the following steps.

  1. From the OneClick Console, highlight the Global Collection.
  2. In the Contents window select the tab for "List".
  3. Select the icon on the toolbar for "Exports this table to a file in a format readable by most spreadsheet software".
  4. At the "Export table data to file" select a filename and directory to save the file.

If you want to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) for scripting purposes then you need to connect to CLI on each SpectroSERVER in the Global Collection (GC). For example, you may want to get a list of model handles in the GC and then perform a certain action on the device or devices. 

If you are unsure which SpectroSERVERs are configured for the GC you can determine this by:

  1. Highlight the GC, right-mouse and select "Edit Collection". 
  2. At the "Edit Collection" window select "Advanced". 
  3. At the "Advanced Collection Options" window, select "Landscapes".
  4. In the section "Exists in/Create in" are the list of SpectroSERVERs that participate in this GC.

The only way to get the list of model handles for the models in a Global Collection (GC) is to connect through Command Line Interface (CLI) per SpectroSERVER where the GC is created on and query the GC to get the models.

For example, if you had one GC called "Router Test" on three SpectroSERVERs you would have to connect to all three SpectroSERVERs, get the model handle of the GC and then execute the "./show children" action. In my example below my three SpectroSERVER names are spectrum01, spectrum02 and spectrum03.

You need to get the model handle of the GC per server.  In my example I am going to grep for the model type handle for a Global Collection, 0x10474.

The variable $SPECROOT refers to the SPECTRUM installation area.

If using Linux, log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation.

If using Windows, log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation and start a bash shell by running "bash -login".

From the $SPECROOT/vnmsh directory you would have to execute:

./connect spectrum01 
./show models |grep 0x10474
 0x1e00a63   Router Test       0x10474     GlobalCollection
 0x1e00a62   Routers           0x10474     GlobalCollection

I see two GCs but I am only interested in "Router Test". The model handle for "Router Test" is "0x1e00a63"
From here I execute the "show children" command to get a list of models in that GC:

> ./show children mh=0x1e00a63
MHandle     MName             MTypeHnd    MTypeName &.nbsp;      Relation
0x1e0045b   <Router Name>       0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects 

The results show me I have one model from SpectroSERVER spectrum01.

You then need to "./disconnect" from spectrum01 and connect to the second SpectroSERVER spectrum02.

> ./disconnect
disconnect: successful from spectrum01 - connected for 0 hours, 3 minutes 
> ./connect spectrum02
connect: successful spectrum02
current landscape is 0x3e900000 

You need to get the model handle for the GC on this server:

> ./show models |grep 0x10474
0x3e918bce  Router Test       0x10474     GlobalCollection
0x3e918bcd  Routers           0x10474     GlobalCollection

The model handle for "Router Test" is "0x3e918bce". I need to use this model handle to get a list of models:

> ./show children mh=0x3e918bce
MHandle     MName                   MTypeHnd    MTy.peName        Relation
0x3e900050  Router1                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900058  Router2                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900060  Router3                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900b68  Router4                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900c58  Router5                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900c68  Router6                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900059  Router7                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900052  Router8                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900062  Router9                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900063  Router10                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
x3e900c4b   Router11                 0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e912f9b  Router12                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900044  Router13                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900054  Router14                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900b74  Router15                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900c4c  Router16                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e90004d  Router17                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900b6d  Router18                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900c55  Router19                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e90004e  Router20                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0.x3e900056 Router21                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e90006e  Router22                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900b2e  Router23                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900c4e  Router24                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e90005f  Router25                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects
0x3e900b1f  Router26                0x21000c    Rtr_Cisco        dynamicGlobalCollects

Here is the list of models and model handles in the GC from spectrum02.

You need to disconnect from second SpectroSERVER and connect to the third SpectroSERVER spectrum03.

> ./disconnect
disconnect: successful from spectrum02- connected for 0 hours, 1 minutes 
> ./connect spectrum03
connect: successful spectrum03
current landscape is 0x1100000 

Get the model handle of the GC on this server:

> ./show models |grep 0x10474
0x110003e   GCName       0x10474     GlobalCollection
0x110003d   GCName           0x10474     GlobalCollection 

Model handle for GC "Router Test" is "0x110003e".

> ./show children mh=0x110003e
MHandle     MName             MTypeHnd    MTypeName        Relation

No models exist from this SpectroSERVER spectrum03.

So, in order to get all models within a GC you need to connect to each SpectroSERVER where the GC is created on, get the model handle of the GC and then execute "show children" on that particular model handle. Once you get the model handle from each SpectroSERVER it won't change unless you destroy and recreate it so in your script you don't have to constantly grep for the GC model handle on each server. In the "show children" command you can direct the output to a file so you have the models stored. You just need to use the ">>" so the output is appended to the file and is not overwritten. You would then have to parse/manipulate the data in the file however you want it presented.

So, in my example I know the three GC model handles on each SpectroSERVER. I could write something like the following.

./connect spectrum01
./show children mh=0x1e00a63 >> GC_RouterTest_Models.out
./connect spectrum02
./show children mh=0x3e918bce >> GC_RouterTest_Models.out
./connect spectrum03
./show children mh=0x110003e >> GC_RouterTest_Models.out

The output file "GC_RouterTest_Models.out" will contain all models from all three SpectroSERVERs. From the list of model handles you can then retrieve data or perform actions per model handle.

The Global Collection is updated every 24 hours by default.  The attribute on the GC is:

0x12a68     dynamicUpdateInterval     1440
     1440 is in minutes, which equals 24 hours.

There is a CLI action you can send on behalf of the GC model handle to update it immediately. You may want to do this to update the GC before running the script to make sure the GC has all the models that meet that criteria.

From CLI you use the "update" command on the model handle of the GC using the action code of 0x1006f.
./update action=0x100f6 mh=0x3e918bce

The response:
update action: successful