Using a SPECTRUM Event Procedure to assert event based on time
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Using a SPECTRUM Event Procedure to assert event based on time


Article ID: 51985


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


We have a requirement for an event to check the time the event was generated. If the event was generated between specific times, we wanted an alarm. If outside those times, no alarm.


Release: Any
Component: Events and Alarms


The following is a sample Event Procedure that will check the current time when event 0xffff0000 is asserted. If the time is between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (0800 - 1700), event 0xffff0001 will be created. If not, event 0xffff0002 will be created. The times use the 24 hour clock time and can be changed to meet individual needs.

The event variables from the 0xffff0000 event are passed to the resulting event (0xffff0001 or 0xffff0002).


0xffff0000 E 0 P " \
  If( \
    And ( \
        GreaterOrEqual( GetHour( GetCurrentTime() ), \
                                 { U 18 } ), \
        LessOrEqual( GetHour( GetCurrentTime() ), \
                                { U 21 } ) ), \
    CreateEventWithVariables( { C CURRENT_MODEL }, \
                       { H 0xffff0001 } , \
    GetEventVariableList() ), \
    CreateEventWithVariables( { C CURRENT_MODEL }, \
                       { H 0xffff0002 } , \
    GetEventVariableList() ))"