Where is the Spectrum alarm severity file map stored for conditional (varbind-based) alarms?
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Where is the Spectrum alarm severity file map stored for conditional (varbind-based) alarms?


Article ID: 51938


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Where is the Spectrum alarm severity file map stored for conditional (varbind-based) alarms?


Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms


Severity maps live under $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/<vendor>/SeverityMaps/<map file name>

Note that the vendor depends on what vendor (if any) you specify in the severity map action. If you leave it out, it will default to the directory where the event disp file lives, then you also will need the severity map dir there. The map name is the name of the map you specify in the action.

E.g, assuming they work on the EventDisp in $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/CUSTOMER_DEFS:

0xffff0000 E 50 A { v 1 mysevmap }, 0xffff0000

Uses map named mysevmap, in the $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/CUSTOMER_DEFS/SeverityMaps directory

0xffff0001 E 50 A { v 1 CA.sevmap1 }, 0xffff0001

Uses sevmap1, from the CA vendor. So the map in this case would be:
