How to pass a SPECTRUM attribute to an event varbind using an Event Procedure
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How to pass a SPECTRUM attribute to an event varbind using an Event Procedure


Article ID: 51932


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to pass a SPECTRUM attribute to an event varbind using an Event Procedure


Release: Any


The following example will pass the Notes attribute for the model to a varbind that can then be inserted into the Event Format file:

0xffff0000 E 50 P " \
  CreateEventWithAttributes( \
    { C CURRENT_MODEL }, \
    { H 0xffff0001 }, \
    SetEventAttribute( \
          GetEventAttributeList(), \
          { U 20 }, \
          ReadAttribute( \
             { C CURRENT_MODEL }, \
             { H 0x11564 } )))"


The above example should put the "Notes" attribute (0x11564, received from the current model (the one which the event was generated on)) into the event varbind with id 20 (SetEventAttribute), and also copy the rest of the original events (0xffff0000) attribute list (GetEventAttributeList). It will then create a new event (0xffff0001, CreateEventWithAttributes) on the same model.