Test Active Nodes with JDBC PIng
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Test Active Nodes with JDBC PIng


Article ID: 51927


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


On JDBC Ping, how to test the active nodes are working? 


  1. Ensure JDBC Ping is set up correctly as per the Broadcom documentation, including the Bind Address
  2. All members must share a common NSA password - Run “admin password” to reset if needed
  3. On the server running the NSA:
    a) Run the following command: admin tower
    b) Next run this command:
    > trace on
    You should then start to see packets of traffic being transferred between ALL servers in the Clarity cluster.  If packets of data are not being sent between ALL servers then we have a problem. PPM has two topics used for messaging. CLRTY for application specific and CLRTY-SA for system admin level messaging. 
    To see the messages flow for a specific topic, group needs to be configured in tower console.
    By default, tower group is mapped to CLRTY-SA topic
    > group CLRTY
    > group CLRTY-SA

  4. You can also do the Jgroups test as per Multicast / JDBC Ping Full Tests - Clarity

Additional Information

For Complete and Detailed  Active Node Testing including JDBC Ping and multicast please refer to Multicast / JDBC Ping Full Tests - Clarity