How to globally modify SPECTRUM DCM Timeout (or any other attribute)
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How to globally modify SPECTRUM DCM Timeout (or any other attribute)


Article ID: 51882


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How to globally modify SPECTRUM DCM Timeout (or any other attribute)


Release: Any


1. Log into OneClick as an ADMIN user

2. From the Locator Tab, select Devices->All Devices


3. Select all the device models listed in the results window.


4.  Right click to bring up the menu on the result set and select Utilities->Attribute Editor


5. Select SNMP Communication-> DCM Timeout (ms) bring it over to the attribute to be set.


6. Enter 5000 and check set as default box.

7. Click the 'Apply' button.


If the 'Set as Default' option is not selected, any new models will not get the new value setting.

Of course, great care should be taken when using this.  Only Administrators should do this.

About 'Set as Default':

Be careful when selecting 'Set as Default' as you will need to know the consequences.

Let's say I enter the value of 5000 and also check the 'Set as Default' option the following will happen

  - the attribute editor will set the DCM Timeout on the selected model(s) to 5000 and these
      models will no longer inherit the value from the class level.

  - the 'Set as Default' will set the default value on the model type to 5000 and have the following effects

       - any newly discovered models of that type will inherit the new default of 5000

       - any existing models of that model type not selected in this step AND that have not had their DCM Timeout attribute
             manually modified (meaning that they are still inheriting the default value) will have their value change to 5000 as
             they are still inheriting it.

       - any existing models of that type (not selected here) that have had their DCM Timeout values manually set will not
            be affected by this change and will retain the value set on the model. For example, if there are 2 models
            which were modified to have their DCM Timeout set to 10000 (no reason to do this just for illustration) they
            will retain their values of 10000.

NOTE: As always, whenever possible, it is best to test changes on a test server before implementing them in production. 

Additional Information

Please reference the "OneClick Attribute Editor" section of the documentation for more information.