CA Spectrum SDM/SDC managed devices are not polled anymore
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CA Spectrum SDM/SDC managed devices are not polled anymore


Article ID: 51866


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Devices polled and managed via SPECTRUM SDM / SDC show an intermittent condition while the SDM/SDC communication hangs

The Secure Domain Manager model and also the SDConnector models are not showing Events, with an exception generated while all directly managed SPECTRUM devices are polled successfully.

Creating a sniffer trace for the SDC instance does not show any ICMP and/or SNMP traffic to poll the network devices.


Spectrum 9.4.x, 10.x


This is a network lower layer configuration issue for fragmentation errors caused by MTU size set to high values.

Enabling trace/debug in the $SPECROOT/SDM/sdm.config by adding the option "debug" results in messages similar to the following in the sdmLog.log:

Wed Sep 23 10:38:45 2009 : WARNING: SdmEtpkiConnectEndpoint run() ssock_handshake error. IP=<IP Address>, Port=6844, Thread=99
Wed Sep 23 10:38:50 2009 : WARNING: SdmEtpkiConnectEndpoint run() ssock_handshake error. IP=<IP Address>, Port=6844, Thread=99
Wed Sep 23 10:38:55 2009 : WARNING: SdmEtpkiConnectEndpoint run() ssock_handshake error. IP=<IP Address>, Port=6844, Thread=99
Wed Sep 23 10:39:00 2009 : WARNING: SdmEtpkiConnectEndpoint run() ssock_handshake error. IP=<IP Address>, Port=6844, Thread=99

Wed Oct  7 15:37:39 2009 : WARNING: Endpoint <IP Address> is shutting down after keepalive timeout
Wed Oct  7 15:37:39 2009 : WARNING: SdmEtpkiEndpoint::shutdownSocket() starting. IP=<IP Address>, Thread=211
Wed Oct  7 15:37:40 2009 : WARNING:  socket closed. IP=<IP Address>, Thread=211
Wed Oct  7 15:37:40 2009 : WARNING:  socket is invalid. IP=<IP Address>, Thread=211

While checking the SpectroSERVER machine's TCP connections via netstat -s shows IP statistics are fine with no IP fragmentation and/or re-assembly or fragmentation lost data, however, checking the remote SDC machine netstat -s IP statistics shows a large number for IP counters for the fragmentation statistics.

Also, checking the SDM/SDC valid configuration will, when the SDM is started and the SDC is available, show a successfully established TCP session to port 6844 for the SDM/SDC service port. However, observing a successful TCP session establishment is NOT proof of full operational TCP communication.

For example, Linux/Solaris netstat -s shows fragmentation parameter as follows:

IPv4    ipForwarding        =     2     ipDefaultTTL        =   255
        ipInReceives        =   7236012 ipInHdrErrors       =     0
        ipReasmOKs          =     0     ipReasmFails        =     0
        ipReasmDuplicates   =     0     ipReasmPartDups     =     0
        ipFragOKs           =     0     ipFragFails         =     0
        ipFragCreates       =     0     ipRoutingDiscards   =     0

Windows netstat -s shows fragmentation parameter as follows:

IPv4 Statistics

  Received Header Errors             = 0
  Received Address Errors            = 11392
  Received Packets Discarded         = 46
  Received Packets Delivered         = 1375099
  Routing Discards                   = 0
  Reassembly Required                = 50
  Reassembly Successful              = 25
  Reassembly Failures                = 0
  Datagrams Successfully Fragmented  = 14
  Datagrams Failing Fragmentation    = 0
  Fragments Created                  = 28

This demonstrates that this issue is not due to a problem with CA Spectrum but is related to the native IP service configuration.


In this case, lowering MTU to 1400 byte fixes the SDM/SDC hang condition.

So reduce the IP MTU size configuration for the SpectroSERVER and the SDC machines by reconfiguring to 1400 bytes. The default for Ethernet is 1500 bytes which is maybe causing trouble in case of using VPN/IPsec tunnels with additional encapsulation.

Additional Information

(Legacy KB ID CNC TS33514 )

If the customer does not care about using security with the SDM to SDC connection, you can add -nosecure to the configuration files of both SDM and SDC.  Import the configuration file again in SDM and restart the SDC process.

You can verify the connection from the SS/SDM and/or SDC by using telnet and netstat.  For example, from the SS/SDM, telnet to the SDC:

telnet <IPofSDC> <SDCport>

If you receive a blank line, the connection is established.

Then run netstat on the SDC:

netstat -anop | grep <SDCport>

Verify the IP address that the connection is coming in on and compare it to the sdc.config.