How to delete Librarian archive members batch and online?
Release: 4.4
Librarian members will automatically be deleted once the number of archive levels reaches the level defined for the master file however, archive levels can manually deleted in both batch and online.
For both methods you must know the archive version date and time of the last version you want to remain in the master. One way to find that date and time in ELIPS is to enter an "A" before the member on the member selection list panel. The date and time of every archive level will be displayed.
To delete archive versions prior to that date and time online, enter an "I" before the member on the member selection list panel. This will display the Current Member Information panel and then enter the date and times in the field labeled ARCLR DATE and press enter. All archive versions prior to that date and time will be deleted.
To delete archive versions in batch execute program AFOLIBR with DD statement MASTER pointing to your librarian master file and control card:
SEL membername ARCLR=yymmddhhmmss