How to configure the Spectrum OneClick Topology Applet to use a default username and password
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How to configure the Spectrum OneClick Topology Applet to use a default username and password


Article ID: 51845


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How to configure the Spectrum OneClick Topology Applet to use a default username and password


Release: Any


The $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/topology.applet file can be modified to use a default username and password so the user will not have to manually enter a username and password. This is especially useful when using the Topology Applet in a web page.

For IE users, do the following:

1. Make a backup of the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/topology.applet file
2. Edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/topology.applet file
3. Add the following two lines after the line that reads "<param name="alt" value="No Java Support">":


<param name="user" value="<username>">
<param name="password" value="<password>">


4. Change <username> to a valid SPECTRUM username
5. Change <password> to the SPECTRUM password for the user specified in <username>
6. Save the changes
7. For example, if the user name is "spectrum" and the password is "all4one", the new entry would look like the following:


<param name="user" value="spectrum">
<param name="password" value="all4one">


For non-IE users, do the following:

1. Make a backup of the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/topology.applet file
2. Edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/topology.applet file
3. Add the following two lines after the line that reads "pluginspage="console/install-java.jsp""




4. Change <username> to a valid SPECTRUM username
5. Change <password> to the SPECTRUM password for the user specified in <username>
6. Save the changes
7. For example, if the user name is "spectrum" and the password is "all4one", the new entry would look like the following:


Additional Information

Note: Both changes for IE and non-IE users can be implemented at the same time.

Note: Changes to the  $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/topology.applet file are not preserved through patch installs and upgrades. After a patch install or upgrade, check the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/topology.applet file to make sure the changes are still applied and update if needed.