Can SPECTRUM determine which VLAN a Spanning Tree event occurred on in a Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) environment?
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Can SPECTRUM determine which VLAN a Spanning Tree event occurred on in a Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) environment?


Article ID: 51838


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Can SPECTRUM determine which VLAN a Spanning Tree event occurred on in a Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) environment?


Release: Any


SPECTRUM supports rfc1493 which has the following description for the newRoot and topologyChange traps;


          -- Traps for the Spanning Tree Protocol


          newRoot TRAP-TYPE
              ENTERPRISE  dot1dBridge
                      "The newRoot trap indicates that the sending agent
                      has become the new root of the Spanning Tree; the
                      trap is sent by a bridge soon after its election
                      as the new root, e.g., upon expiration of the
                      Topology Change Timer immediately subsequent to
                      its election.  Implementation of this trap is
              ::= 1


          topologyChange TRAP-TYPE
              ENTERPRISE  dot1dBridge
                      "A topologyChange trap is sent by a bridge when
                      any of its configured ports transitions from the
                      Learning state to the Forwarding state, or from
                      the Forwarding state to the Blocking state.  The
                      trap is not sent if a newRoot trap is sent for the
                      same transition.  Implementation of this trap is
              ::= 2


The traps are defined in the $SPECROOT%/SS/CsVendor/IETF/AlertMap file as follows:
# *** rfc1493 - New Root and Topology Change Traps ***    0x000d0001    0x000d0002


The events are defined in the $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/IETF/EventDisp file as follows:
0x000d0001 E 50 A 1, 0x000d0001
0x000d0002 E 50 A 1, 0x000d0002


 The following are the Event Format files:
> more Event000d0001
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} {m} of type {t} has reported a root change (ev.ent [{e}]).


> more Event000d0002
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} {m} of type {t} has reported a network topology change (event [{e}]).

The PVST (Per VLAN spanning tree) is a Cisco proprietary mib that is defined by the Cisco-STP-Extensions mib. There are 3 traps associated with this mib. The following are the trap definitions from the mib:


stpxInconsistencyUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS     { stpxInconsistentState }
    STATUS      current
             "A stpxPortInconsistencyUpdate notification is sent by a
              bridge when an instance of stpxInconsistentState is
              created or destroyed.  That is, when an inconsistency is
              discovered in the VLAN's Spanning Tree for a particular
              port, or when such an inconsistency disappears.  Note
              that the trap is not sent if the port transitions between
              different types of inconsistency.
              The stpxInconsistentState value indicates the type of
              inconsistency which now exists/no longer exists for the
              relevant VLAN on the relevant port."
    ::= { stpxNotificationsPrefix 1}
stpxRootInconsistencyUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS     { stpxRootInconsistencyState, stpxSpanningTreeType }
    STATUS      current
             "A stpxRootInconsistencyUpdate notification is sent by a
              bridge when an instance of stpxRootInconsistencyState
              is created or destroyed. That is, when an
              root-inconsistency is discovered in the VLAN's or
              instance's Spanning Tree for a particular port, or when
              such an root-inconsistency disappears. For creation, the
              value of stpxRootInconsistencyState in the notification is
              true(1); for deletion, the value is false(2).
              The object value of stpxSpanningTreeType indicates
              which Spanning Tree protocol is running when an instance
              of stpxRootInconsistencyState is created or destroyed.  "
    ::= { stpxNotificationsPrefix 2}


stpxLoopInconsistencyUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS     { stpxLoopInconsistencyState, stpxSpanningTreeType }
    STATUS      current
      &nbs.p;      "A stpxLoopInconsistencyUpdate notification is sent by a
              bridge when an instance of stpxLoopInconsistencyState
              is created or destroyed. That is, when an
              loop-inconsistency is discovered in the VLAN's or
              instance's Spanning Tree for a particular port, or when
              such an loop-inconsistency disappears. For creation,
              the value of stpxLoopInconsistencyState in the
              notification is true(1); for deletion, the value is


              The object value of stpxSpanningTreeType indicates
              which Spanning Tree protocol is running when an instance
              of stpxLoopInconsistencyState is created or
    ::= { stpxNotificationsPrefix 3}


These traps are defined in the $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/Cisco_Router/AlertMap file as follows:     0x00210019


// CiscStpExtApp -- stpxRootInconsistencyUpdate     0x002104a9,0)\


// CiscStpExtApp -- stpxLoopInconsistencyUpdate     0x002104aa,0)\


The events are defined in the $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/Cisco_Router/EventDisp file as follows:
0x00210019 E 20 A 1,0x00210019
0x002104a9 E 20
0x002104aa E 20


The following are the Event Format files:


> more Event00210019
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} - Device {m} of Type {t} has sent a stpxPortInconsiste ncyUpdate notification signifying that an inconsistency has been discovered in the VLAN's Spanning Tree for a particular port, or when such an nconsistency has  disappeared.  The stpxInconsistencyState is {O 1}. If this object does not have  a value, the inconsistency has disappeared. (event [{e}])


> more Event002104a9
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} - Root Inconsistency Update. If Root Inconsistency State is 'true', then an instance of stpxRootInconsistencyState has been created.  This indicates a root inconsistency has been discovered. If Root Inconsistency State is 'false', then an instance of stpxRootInconsistencyState has been deleted.  This indicates a root inconsistency has disappeared. Root Inconsistency State:  {T TruthValue 1}. Spanning Tree Type:  {T SpanTreeType 2}.
(event [{e}])


> more Event002104aa
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} - Loop Inconsistency Update. If Loop Inconsistency .State is 'true', then an instance of stpxLoopInconsistencyState has been created. This indicates a loop inconsistency has been discovered. If Loop Inconsistency State is 'false', then an instance of stpxLoopInconsistencyState has been deleted. This indicates a loop inconsistency has disappeared. Loop Inconsistency State:  {T TruthValue 1}. Spanning Tree Type:  {T SpanTreeType 2}.
(event [{e}])

Although SPECTRUM supports rfc1493 and the Cisco-STP-Extensions mib, there is no information in either mib that specifies which VLAN reported a New Root or Topology Change.